Marine Instruments, S.A Inscr. Reg. Merc. Pontevedra. Tomo 2.855, Libro 2.855, Folio 20, Hoja PO-32.958, Inscr 1ª. C.I.F. A-36.924.140
Address: Rúa dos Padróns ,4 (Vial 3) – Parque Empresarial Porto do Molle – 36350 Nigrán – Pontevedra – Spain


Watching Man webpage was created by Marine Instruments, S.A. to provide information webpage about its product Watching Man.
Marine Instruments, S.A. reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the information contained on the webpage.
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Marine Instruments, S.A. shall not be held responsible of any issues derived from the incorrect use of contents and reserves the right to update, remove, limit or restrict at any time the access to the contents, temporarily or permanently.
Marine Instruments, S.A. shall not be held responsible of any information not contained on the Watching Man website and therefore, not prepared by Marine Instruments, S.A. or not published under that name.
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The purpose of the links available on this website is for information purposes only. Marine Instruments, S.A. shall not be held responsible of any information contained in other websites.
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